Katie Rose Hillegass

This is Katie Rose, a new Staff with a dazzling array of experience and an incorrigible curiosity and excitement about education.  As the school transitions to ZDS, KR will be overseeing our programming opportunities!  She’s a good fit for the job, having participated in a lot of diverse programming herself over the years, from graduate work at the Sorbonne (mostly eating croissants) to studying research biology at Stanford to becoming a certified NY wildlife rehabilitator to running the volunteer program at Jim and Lisa’s Circle Home (hospice) in Kingston, as well as organizing and facilitating a lot of programming as well, from nature-based preschool programs to tutoring middle school students to teaching French and philosophy at NYU and in high school to creating the very popular and sweet Community Fire Circles last year.  Whew!  KR also loves to split wood (like, large amounts) and dance jigs when she finds cool mushrooms in the woods.  KR was drawn to join us because she was seeking a community driving towards authenticity, care, and self-expression and to manifest her deep belief in self-directed education.  She is dialed in, well-organized, and deeply excited to get started as a ZDS Staff Member!