
This is Ravi Shankar-er, um, I mean, this is Baruch – a visionary, virtuosic sonicnaut who practices his art continually and constantly “until such time as it becomes unsafe.” Friends describe his aesthetic as, “post-apocalyptic neo-pirate.” It’s like having a resident alchemist or magician. But even tho Baruch is a Cosmic Bro, he’s also alarmingly lucid, insightful, and forthright.

This is Baruch’s first year, but it feels like it’s been five; he soaked up the ethos and processes of the school faster than instant oatmeal – he been ready. He knows how to use the school, and he gets more stuff done than Ben Franklin. He says, “Sudbury gives me the support and space I needed to pursue my passion…I’m a musician – an experimenter – looking to enter the music world. I plan to live in NYC or Dallas, because they have the best experimental jazz scenes. Experimental jazz…bridges the ferocity of composed jazz and the freeness of improvisation. It’s about getting into a meditative space and exploring the depth of musicianship.” Yeah, I told you.

Baruch isn’t only a dreamer, he’s also more practical than a checking account: he wants to attend Berklee College of Music so he can “learn all the rules before [he] breaks them.” His main squeeze is the bass guitar, but his dabbles in keyboard, drums, vocals, and guitar too. He takes his time, he’s a self-described perfectionist; before he starts something new he likes to “know how it works, why it works, the history, everything.” Baruch says, “there are some misconceptions out there that [Sudbury students] are not intelligent or knowledgable about anything, but really we just have the freedom to become knowledgeable about what we’re actually interested in. Investmenting in what you truly enjoy has been proven to be successful.” He adds that for him, that includes boring and tedious study needed to achieve his goals. Dude’s got more drive than BMW.

Baruch, we stand in awe of you. We like you so much, we desperately want you to like us too. We’re even prepared to listen to experimental jazz if that’s what it will take. Aw, but we’ll leave you alone: you’re on a mission, and we’re thrilled to stay out of your way.