This is Cheeseburger, a rangy, fast-talkin’, justice-lovin’, blacksmithin’ HVSS Lifer. I was going to say that he’s my best frenemy, but then I looked up “frenemy” and read, “a person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry,” so instead I’ll say he’s my best ene-friend, which I’ll define as, “a person with whom one maintains an intense rhetorical rivalry despite a fundamental friendship.” When I contemplate Cheeseburger, the word *integrity* comes to mind; he’s honest, firm, and fair. He’s a loyal School Store Clerk, a Judicial Committee aficionado, a big-outdoor-game enthusiast, a wacky monkey, and a reliably level-headed participant in School Meeting. Of the school’s democratic processes, Cheeseburger says, “it can be hard for little people or less outgoing people to speak their minds, but I think they get a lot of support, and if you’re willing to speak up, it works, and you can have influence.” Also pictured here is Magic Hat, which he always wears (yes, summer too), and who some consider to be the 86th student at the school. In our interview he clarified that Magic Hat is not a parasite: “it’s a symbiote.” Perhaps someday we’ll peel it off.
Cheeseburger has also served multiple times as our back-up Tech Clerk, which mostly involves helping little kids with their computers, which is a good fit for him, because, despite his intimidating stature and convincing swagger, he’s patient, gentle, and so so sweet. The HVSS Source Cooperative has been supporting his out-of-school blacksmithing, and tho we haven’t seen any pictures yet, we love to imagine the sparks showering him as he hammers “molten” steel and sweat flies from his brow, while the bellows labor.
Cheeseburger, we are so proud of you, of who you are right now, and we consider every day alongside you a privilege.