
This is FeeFee, the distilled essence of kinetic energy and play and flame and shooting stars. In some ways FeeFee is a caricature of a child: she is a runner, a leaper, a pranker, and a laugher; she says that when she gets dressed she often looks for clothes that are already dirty so she doesn’t have to worry about “messin’ em up.” Either that or she looks for clothes that “have almost outgrown me” (so she can get more use out of them). FeeFee loves fried dumplings.

FeeFee says that what she’s working on right now is getting better at compromising and playing what her friends want to play, a most admirable pursuit! And a perfect example of how students at Hudson Valley Sudbury School choose goals which are relevant to them and essential to development and life in community. From our perspective, the skill sets which lend themselves to compromise and collaboration are more important that any academic skills, and deserve significant time, attention, and focus!

FeeFee follows the energy in her body and on the campus. She isn’t into sitting still, and luckily she doesn’t have to at this school! FeeFee, we are so glad to have you, thank you for bringing so much fun and bright energy into our community! We are grateful you’re here, and doing so well!