Mr. Volcano Chat

This is Mr. Volcano Chat.  No, it’s not a typo.  When I said that was a peculiar nickname, he said, “well, I just used a random word-generator, what do you expect?  Go ahead and pixilate my face while you’re at it.” I don’t think so, Mr. VC, that would deprive the people from getting a good look at your devastating mug.  I can’t get enough of it, personally – this guy radiates warmth, even when he’s mad, somehow; I just like being within his radius, you know?  Random or not, “Volcano Chat” is actually somewhat appropriate – he’s veritably erupting with hilarious esprit all the time.  He says, “oh, me? Well, I’m relatively chubby, a bit of a foody, I like swimming and bowling, and my favorite bird is the grey crowned crane. It’s the national bird of Uganda.”  Mr. VC’s main thang is cartooning; he’s a sublime humorist and an artist of loving whimsy.  His cartoons are utterly distinctive, totally surreal, and tightly focused on character.  Sometimes gives them as notes, like little love letters, except they usually feature the recipient of the note doing foolish things.  Sometimes he leaves discarded cartoons around the school, little treasures which always delight the lucky finder-keeper. He’s also a wordsmith and a scrabble wizzard, an affectionate friend and a lover of pokemon.  He’s been enrolled less than a year, and he’s already become so much more self-possessed than when he arrived.  Mr. Volcano Chat, we’re so happy you joined us, and that you approve of us, and especially that you like to hang out in the office, and that you’re so liberal with your pencil, and your heart.