This is RAM, a dyed-in-the-wool expert at diving into life fast and head-first, like a… ram! RAM is typically in the flow-state of childhood, manifesting her age (10!) perfectly, passionately engaging all types of play, including pretend play, tabletop role-playing, reading novels, climbing trees, and computer games, moving freely between our indoor and outdoor facilities. It is so nice to see a free-range RAM thrive in their natural habitat! RAM “just plays,” but we see her learning so much, expanding her imagination as Amethyst Storm Tower in DnD campaigns, playing with counterfactuals in pretend play, testing her physical limits climbing outside, and experiencing mastery as she conquers games on the computer. We could go on and on: it is such a blessing that children arrive in the world with such a drive to play, and that in their enthusiasm they explore the entire terrain of human life and develop the skills they need as they develop organically.

RAM likens the experience of our school to visiting New York City. She says, “Have you ever gone to the city? There is so much to do, and so many things going on and stuff to see and smell. You start to learn where things are and how to find what you like. The school is like that, you can learn to sew, you can learn to cook, or how to forage outside, or climb trees, or whatever you want.” What a cool metaphor! And indeed, the school is like that: a rich and vibrant place to explore, engage, and cultivate the skills needed to navigate life.

RAM knows how to do self-directed education; she follows her heart, her body, and her ideas. She trusts that the world will meet her as she meets it and that she will develop in tandem with it, like any other organism on the landscape. She believes she has what she needs everyday, and is exactly where she should be everyday (even if she would not put it quite like that!) RAM, we are so happy to have you here, we are grateful for the energy and the joy you bring to the community, and we are so pleased you’re having such a good experience here!