Turbo Shark

This is Turbo Shark, wearing his badass hat from Moscow that he found in his mom’s closet. It might have been his grandfather’s, who’s almost as cool as he is (you’ll get there eventually Yakov). Either way, I’m going to be corrected soon about where that hat came from by his mom. Probably before you read this.

Turbo Shark is a lifer, but he’s not only known for depth around here, he’s also known for breadth: he’s a fixture of our Lounge scene, where he plays a lot of cards and board games, and our tech scene (he has a USB port in the back of his head, he lets me charge my phone sometimes), and the outdoor game scene (don’t mess with him in four square he will boggle your torpid mind with complex rules and dazzle you with crab walk), and our School Meeting scene, where he’s never afraid to let us know precisely what he thinks; he says, “the School’s democratic processes are great; it allows me as a student to take action; like suppose there’s a law I don’t like. Well, I can say, “down with this terrible law!” If it’s a bad idea, I call it bad. if it’s a good idea I call it good.” I’d say he has a drop of prophet in him.

He’s a big part of all these intensely social scenes, but he also spends time by himself. You might find him, for example, slithering along the hallway floor like a worm, or squatting at the edge of the woods examining someone from the lumbricus genus, or strolling contentedly through our wooded playground, hands behind his back.

Turbo Shark’s thought is often alarmingly sophisticated, and his heart is sensitive, sweet, and as spacious as a church. He loves animals, he recently raised a raft of ducks as their mama; he slept with them every night for a month. His older brother Cheeseburger is a student here too, and they are such sweethearts, they give each other the best hugs.

Turbo Shark, you make the world a better place, all the time. We are so proud of you, and can’t believe our luck to claim you as a friend, and a member of our community; we hope you remain a fixture of all our scenes for a long, long time.