Charlie Morse

This is Charlie, but you may call him CharlesXander Hamilton, because he’s intensely passionate about participatory democracy and he often has the most visionary ideas in the room, as well as the will and the ability to articulate them. He has a heart the size of a mountain (and an appetite to match). He is a quintessential leader, always pulling people in, and together, to make things happen!

Charlie graduated just last spring, and last year he was our School Meeting Chair last year, as well as the Chair of our Strategic Planning Committee; he’s been hired as a Supplemental Staff to continue supporting the school’s transition to ZDS! Charlie transferred to our school from Sudbury Valley School, in search of “a community that takes youth rights seriously.” He launched himself head-first into the management of the school, spearheading the creation of the Resolution Committee, working long hours on various official school business, and becoming the most effective bridge between students and staff our community has ever had! In the early days of the pandemic he attempted creme brulee 20 times in four weeks and never got it quite right. But this summer he made spatchcocked maple cranberry apple cider vinegar chicken and it came out well! He does a little puppetry on the side, a little farming, a lot of music, and a ton of peanut butter. Last year he lived in a tent in Saugerties. And he’s almost always barefoot. We are so happy to have him 🙂