
This is Nia, a no-nonsense businesswoman with an old-school sensibility who’s as friendly and giving as the cake she loves to bake. Nia enrolled just this year, a refugee from her local high school, and she’s been on a roll ever since (bad baking joke). She was tired of “studying the same basic things over and over again,” and feeling pretty down about it all. She already knew what she wants to do, she just needed a place to do it. And she comes, even tho she has to commute an hour + each way (but on that + side, she says she’s been loving having that extra time with her mom).

Nia is already an accomplished baker, and her plan is to one day own her own bakery. She loves the classics: chocolate-chip cookies, apple pie, chocolate cake; she feels like those stand-bys are getting left behind in the tiramasunami (bad baking joke) of fanciful foodie novelty (buttered mashed-potatoes and gravy ice cream: it exists), and she’s going to rescue and renew those beloved confections with affection. Her emphasis is on quality and craftsmanship rather than novelty and fascination.

Nia has a nail-art business at school, and I’d say you should come get pretty but she’s sold out like End Game for days, ok? I got mine this AM tho, and I’ve been feeling like an Incan Emperor all day (I got gold). She’s organized (got that notebook), she’s got all the right tools (sweet cases), and she does full service (never had my cuticles clipped before!) She’s makin’ dough (bad baking joke), and she says she’s learning all about biznas and, more importantly, “learning how to learn.”

Nia is into the democratic processes at HVSS; she appreciates that “everyone has a voice, and a part to play, if they want it.” She describes the community as, “open and kind;” Well thanks, but I think you might be projecting a lil’ bit: your friends describe you as “OMG the nicest person ever, big smile and hugs ALWAYS!” They say that being with you is like eating peach cobbler (actually I made that up). They say they’re so happy you’re here (that’s true). And we are, too. We’d even say you’re the best thing since sliced bread, but we’ve made enough bad jokes already.