Wonder Woman

This is Wonder Woman, the most powerful superhero of them all. Forget flying, shape-shifting, telepathy, superhuman strength, and telekinesis, her superpower is way more baller, and way more likely to save the world, because what Wonder Woman has is a heart of gold. Ka-pow!

And that’s not all. Wonder Woman has the superpower known as “obstacle manipulation,” which allows her to skillfully and dramatically surmount insurmountable obstacles (I learned about all this from our hallway poster of superpowers). Wonder Woman has used this power to join and participate as a respected member of our community, and to – perhaps more than anyone else – be herself. She’s been at HVSS for 8 years, and they’ve been good ones. She’s always been patient and quick to smile (and giggle), she’s been a part of cooperatives, appeared in many plays, created art and counterfactual worlds, and most of all, she’s formed deep friendships and treated every person in our community with warmth and respect. every. day. Wham!

Wonder Women is a dancer and an appreciator of the performing arts. She likes to go to shows with her family, even though her dad always falls asleep. Last month they went to Be More Chill on Broadway, and she loved it (and he did fall asleep even tho he says he didn’t). Zing!

She is so clearly at home here, she even says, blushing a little, that her favorite thing about our school is that it’s, “like a family.” Wonder Woman, that’s our favorite thing too, and the sweetest thing you could have said. There you go again with that superpower of yours, showing us how to be and reminding us what’s really important. We know you’ll keep that up wherever you go, which is good, because the world needs a superhero like you. And we do too, so please remember that this will always, always be home, and you’ll always be welcome here.