
This is Trashman, e’rybody’s fave sk8erboi who’s growing up too fast (prob bc he eats so many cold cuts and gets like 400g protein/day). Not long ago, he was, “lil baby,” but he says “not anymore.” He was also my school-son, but he emancipated himself and rolls his eyes at my school-dad jokes. His hair is longer, the music he listens to is even worse, and he can actually ride a skateboard irl so. We wish we could give him some pill or set a spell that would halt his rapid growth, but we know that alas, such thoughts are futile whimsy!

Trashman says, “I am very much an intellectual. Why use big word when small word better?” But although his intellect dazzles daily, he has no intention of holling up in an ivory tower; he’s all skater, and he does and dreams it at school, cooking up big ideas about his future; he’s an innovator, a bubbling pot of ideas and enthusiams – just look at his “summer 2019 bucket list”: 1 Learn to backflip 2 Learn to kickflip 3 Purchase nunchucks and learn how to use them 3. Make one issue of a magazine and/or a zine 5 Purchase a trampoline 6 Make my own clothing line 7 Go skydiving 8 Own one item of Supreme 9 Build a mini ramp 10 ??? Yeah, just a few summer plans. He also wants his own potato chip business, ok? But if the skating and chips fall thru, his backup plan is waste management (hence the nickname). He sorted the recycling at school not long ago, and found his mind refreshed and his body limber, and then he found out there’s money in trash so.

Trashman has many friends, and there’s one group in particular, all girls, who have “raised him.” Don’t get me wrong, they’re all good people, but they can be contentious, and Trashman is the peacemaker, a role he fills admirably. He and two members of this group, known locally as the Squad, have formed an edgy collective called ASS, which Trashman describes as “everything. A rap group, a band, fashion, art. Like the Kardashians, but only 3 people, and not a family.” Yo Trashman, we can hardly believe our good fortune in having you here, skating and mowing cold cuts and making peace and rolling your beautiful eyes. You may think I’m crusty, but I’ll always think you’re cool.